Friday, April 3, 2009


Yesterday we had a beautiful day which I spent mostly in the house ironing. I did go out to get my hair cut and to make a few stops and then I came back to finish my ironing and fix dinner.

Today I am cleaning bathrooms and running the sweeper and tonight we will go to the fish fry up at our church. Terry is still getting his migraine headaches, sometimes twice a day and when he does they are really bad. I worry about that. He's always been pron to headaches but not this often. I'm trying to talk him into going to the doctor. He did go to a neuroglist once and they did an MRI of his head and found out that at one time he's had severe trauma to his head. He said, yes he's been hit on the head with a baseball bat and a few other things over the years so I guess that's the problem, but I still worry. Have a nice weekend all. Hugs.

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