Thursday, January 8, 2009


I do love my hot chocolate on these cold winter nights when I'm watching TV or reading a good book. Spent Tuesday doing laundry and spent yesterday doing ironing, which I usually hate but for some reason yesterday it really didn't bother me except being on my feet too long. Two hours was a bit too long. Gues I shouldn't wait so long in between doing the ironing. lol Wore me out. Don't if we're going out or not today. It's really cold out, only 22 and a bit windy too, so I'm not to sure if I want to go out even though there are some things we need to get. We'll see.

Well Terry's cousin that had surgery down in Florida has cancer, so please keep him in your prayers. They haven't gotten the tests back yet. It's either colon cancer or lymphoma. They removed a mass as big as a small meatloaf plus some lymph glands which I didn't know you had in that area. This is Terry's first cousin who he has been pretty close to and who we've gone down to Florida to visit pretty often in the past in the winter. This year we may go down to help him out when he gets home from the hospital. Time will tell. Well, time to get something to eat. Have a nice day. Hugs.

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