Friday, March 6, 2009


Yesterday was a very busy day. First I stopped at church for adoration then I went and visited our old neighbor at the nursing home that she's at. She's doing great and is 93 now. I watched her and her roomy play bingo with a whole group. They each won two or three times, and when they win someone rolls a cart over and they can pick candy, lipstick or bunches of other things off the cart. After my visit with her I went upstairs in the same nursing home and visited with another lady for the first time that is from our parish. She is in her 80's and is suffering from alzheimer's, but what a sweet lady. After that I went to another building in the same complex and visited another woman from our parish, also in her late 80's. She is loosing her eyesight due to muscular degeneration, and has no sight in one eye and has spots in the other eye. She is a grand old lady to talk to but is so frustrated about losing her eyesight, and I can't blame her. My heart goes out to these old woman in these nursing homes and I just love visiting them. I had hoped to stop and see Mae, another lady that I visit but I ran out of time so I'll have to get to her another day. By the time I got home it was 4:30 and I hadn't had a thing to eat and Terry and I went out to eat and on the way home we stopped at Kroger's to pick up our Rx's and a few other things too.

Today Terry went shooting and tonight we are going up to our churches Fish Fry and then to our grandson Adam's final basketball game in another tournament. I've been doing laundry and changing linens and making cards today and just catching up on a few things here and there. We don't have anything planned for the weekend, but who knows we may end up going over to our son's side of town and watching some of his kids play something, you just never know. Enjoy your weekend all. Hugs.

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